184 p.
1000 copies, first edition
Language: Ukrainian
Soft cover
Format: 185x140 mm
ISBN 978-617-7948-27-7
John Berger. About Looking
The collection of texts by the British art critic and writer John Berger 'About Looking' consists of three parts: an essential for the Animal Studies essay ‘Why Look at Animals?’ (1977) and two sections with 22 texts (1966–1979), written mainly for the weekly magazine New Society (UK) and united in this edition under the titles ‘Uses of Photography’ and ‘Moments Lived’. Berger writes about the continuous history of the relationship between humans and animals, presents his own reflections on reading Susan Sontag's ‘On Photography’, writes about August Sander, Paul Strand and war photography, and about the relationship between the body and the landscape. He examines the paintings of Courbet, Millet, Turner, Bacon, Magritte and others, adopting the gaze of a critic who looks at artworks of the past from the perspective of his own time and highlights the connections and gaps between personal experiences and history.
The translation and publication of this book is supported by the European Union under the House of Europe programme.
Earlier, our publishing house released John Berger's book ‘Ways of Seeing’
Publishing house: ist publishing
Translation: Roksolana Sviato
Editor: Oleksandra Sauliak
Corrector: Olha Petrenko-Tseunova
Project management: Victoria Berkut
Design and layout: Volodymyr Havrysh
Copyright manager: Anna-Maria Kucherenko
Printing house: Kolo